We live in a digital age, and digital age sometimes means that we forget to print our photos. Raise your hand if you’re guilty!!!! I totally GET it! It’s so easy, quick, and free to upload to social media to share with your friends. They get to see your photos, you get to interact with them! It’s fun! But, as we should know… Instagram + Facebook aren’t always 100% reliable. I mean 3 weeks ago both sites were down all day… what would happen if that happened and we never got it back?
On another note, this blog is to really highlight ALBUMS… not to scare you about social media breaking. I wanted to dive into what kind of albums that are available to you when you hire me. I also wanted to say to all past clients… YOU HAVE AN ALBUM CREDIT with me! Please, please, please, utilize it! Winter months are approaching and it’s the perfect time to get those orders in during the slow season. I customize these, and the process can take me a bit to do!
Okay, let’s get into albums and all of your options.

Albums are not just fancy books, they’re heirlooms. Do you ever remember flipping through your parents or grandparents wedding albums? It’s a totally different feeling holding those images in your hands. These albums will be around to pass on to your kids (if you chose to have them). And they make great conversation starters when you have guests over.
Memories that hold value are priceless.

Types of Album Covers
There are a wide range of different covers and colors to pick from.
A classic option is leather. It has an elevated, boho vibe to it. The texture is soft and honestly really beautiful.
Linen is a cloth texture that is weaved and intertwined to each other. Each pattern is unique, and like the leather they’re offered in a bunch of different colors.
Suede is SOFT! Like, soft like a blanket. It is a type of leather, so it still has an elevated feel with a hint of warm and cozy.

Sizes of albums and which size is best for you!
8×8 is a great, smaller size. This is actually a great size to gift to your parents or someone else in your family that would love an album from your wedding.
10×10 is probably one of the most popular sizes. It’s perfect for your coffee table or on a shelf to pull out and share with your guests.
12×12 bigger is always better, right? Your images really stand out in a bigger print. Trust me!
I know I said it before, but just so you know ONE more time… Past clients you have an album credit to utilize! Don’t sleep on albums. They’re such an important part of your day. DM me on instagram or send me an email to order yours!